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Engineering Biology in Cambridge


Innovate UK/BBSRC have announced the Resource-efficient or bio-based materials and manufacturing, Feasibility Studies 2 call. The total share available is £1m to fund innovative feasibility studies in advanced low carbon manufacturing.

The aim of this competition is that UK materials and manufacturing will be net zero and resource efficient. Projects must relate to one or both of the following themes: (1) resource efficient materials and manufacturing (2) sustainable bio-based materials and biomanufacturing. The three strategic imperatives for this vision are that UK materials and manufacturing will be: (1) net zero and resource efficient (2) resilient and responsive (3) technologically advanced and digital. The Innovate UK materials and manufacturing vision 2050 and the BBSRC strategic delivery plan provide background for the three strategic imperatives.

Projects must involve one grant claiming micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), have total costs of between £50,000-£100,000 and last between 3-6 months with all work carried out in the UK. Projects must also intend to exploit the results from or in the UK.

For more information, see the call page including the scope section which provides a list of areas projects must address under each theme.

University Internal selection:

Institutions can only be included in 1 application as the lead and as collaborator in a further 2 applications. If the University of Cambridge is not leading on a bid, it can collaborate in any number of applications. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.

Because of these funder restrictions, you will need to take part in the internal selection if you are participating in a bid either as lead OR partner institution. To do so, please complete our online form by 22nd April, 2024 (NB: if asked to log-in, please use your crsid/Raven details; note that a Form cannot be saved and returned to).

You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:

  • a list of all collaborators, and external partners on this proposal. Please include details of their departments and institutions.
  • a Head of Department support letter confirming their support for the project and that the respective Department is happy to host it
  • a project summary that address the 3 assessment criteria listed below (max. 600 words)
  • Internal Assessment Criteria:

Please note that the assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria:

  • Need and Motivation: the project must explain the business need, technological challenge or market opportunity
  • Approach and Innovation: how you will respond to the need, challenge or opportunity identified
  • Impact: the impacts this project might have outside the project team including external parties, customers, others in the supply chain, broader industry and the UK economy

Funder deadline: 29th May, 2024

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at